Taught us Toleration

 Taught   us   Toleration 

                         - by Baibhav

Yes,we are born together,

And we have to end the same. 

Yet, we need to learn tolerance, 

See, the tutors came. 

We are the one who voted them, 

Still, we are pointed out to put all the blame. 

As if we are the mens of a chessboard, 

And the tutors are playing the game. 

They treated us like those social animals, 

Who are tamed for a political gain. 

They made us fight with our own brothers, 

And we still don't have any shame. 

Sometimes the reason was region, 

Sometimes in between the religion also came. 

Stand up, tell me, who were they? 

Do you have any name? 

We are neither the enemies of each other, 

Nor the enemies of them. 

Yet they successfully provoked us, 

To put our houses into flame. 

What was wrong with us? 

We were created the same. 

What is wrong with us? 

We still do not have any shame. 

Tell me tutors, is this you say just! 

You are trying to clean the country, 

Go! Wash faces and hands of yours the first.



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