Pollution a threat

 How pollution has become not only an environmental but also a political threat. It was long ago, when we see the effect of pollution on environment. Now we can see that the political environment is also becoming vulnerable to the increasing threat of pollution. Now, where did my notion of political effect came from, I say the presidential elections of United States of America. When Biden, a candidate for upcoming election, talked about Trump's policies related to environmental pollution. We remember when a girl, came on the roads asking questions to the government about taking responsibility of environment. My question is where is she, what is she doing right now and if we don't know anything then why. Was all that protests was for no reason at all? Or she attained the publicity that she wanted. Whatsoever, I think what she did is that she woke up those people who stopped thinking about pollution. As the present president says that there is no such thing as pollution present in America. It is because the government is making their own measuring scales. See if the government itself decides the level of pollution that is safe so that they don't have to face embarrassment in national forum. 

According to Biden, Trump's policy is to don't take any responsibility of the wildfires that took place in the past. Whereas Trump's satat that there is no threat such as climate change. If you put some pressure on your memory, you will surely recall the Indian P.M. Modi said that environment doesn't changes rather we change. His idea was about the growing age leading to feel more cold and hot. Rather climate change is a long term effect of pollution. This message was seen as a responsible explanation of change in the climate by the media and news all over the nation. My point is that both Trump and Modi did accept that climate changes but either because of god or is an after effect of growing old. Avoiding such questions is an attempt to murder or act of ignoring the aftermath effect of it on our upcoming generation. If such thing happens then who should be blamed to bring harm to the nation?

To be continued...

By- Baibhav Ranjan  | BA UNIVERSITY OF DELHI


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