Philosophy of Flowers

Philosophy of Flowers

Where did the idea of giving a flower originated, did you ever gave a thought about it? Neither I, it is my first time that I am going to tell you about my thoughts and ideas related toh this. No one has the idea of when and where did anyone gifted a flower to his or her loved ones the very first time ever. But as everyone can see that we give flowers to each other. No matter what the occasion and location is. I think flower suits to every occasion and in order to present my ideas, I want you to please read the following poem:

   " Flowers to present,

     Flowers for a past,

     Flowers in the future,

     Flowers don't gast.

     You gave it to the bride,

     It symbolises her pride.

     When you gave it to the I'll,

     To strengthen their will.

     Decorate the bed of a dead,

     Reminds him the life he lead.

     Give it to the scared child,

     Fills courage to fight from the wild.

     Flower are white,

     For the darkest night.

     But for every night there's a day,

     Speak it loud whatever you have to say

     Don't wait for the perfect day.

     Say it sound, louder and bold,

     For every single lie you told.

     Chose according to the need of hour,

      Take with you a beautiful flower."

It is very beautiful how flowers suit every situation. 

By~ Baibhav Ranjan©2020


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